Leather Care
Now is the time of year you need to think about your leather both bags and clothing. Your bags will be taking a beating from the sun and your clothing will be going into storage. The bags on your bike should be done several times a year depending on how much you ride. If they are looking a little dry treat them.
Whether you have a fancy one-piece racing suit or a combination of jacket, boots, pants and gloves, leather is also expensive and worth taking care of so as to extend its life as long as possible.
What the Experts Say
My research has revealed that many of the products sold for leather care on the market today are not at all ideal. However, their brochures sound convincing, and as uninformed consumers we tend to buy the products without question. Brace yourself to learn some new tricks.
If you look at the typical car care center or furniture dealer that sells leather care products, you are likely to be as mystified at the dizzying array of creams and potions that are sold to clean and care for your leather garments. After interviewing many people in the motorcycle garment business, and often receiving a different opinion from each of them, I decided I needed an unbiased source of information.
www.made-from-india.com - Many people are of the opinion that textiles industry products are limited to the clothing they wear, but this is misconception. Take a look inside the air filters used in factories. These machines use fine textile made of satin to trap fine particles of soot & dust so that they cannot escape and pollute the environment. There are many textile manufacturing plants all over India, especially in Gujarat which cater to the requirements of the entire nation and a good volume of their products are exported too.
If this was not enough, there are many cottage industries which are thriving on Textile and Leather Products manufacturers. The products made by these companies are relatively cheap and can be purchased from state run emporiums. There are special markets set up just for textile wholesalers too.
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